Providing trauma-informed Yoga as a rehabilitative tool and a form of social activism for individuals impacted by the criminal legal system.
The PYC Katy Maguire Scholarship Fund was created on behalf of Prison Yoga Chicago and Yoga for Recovery to facilitate the practice of yoga post-incarceration.
STUDENTS (of/formerly at Cook County Jail) — please fill out the above form and we will reach out to answer any questions and connect you to a new studio, teacher, virtual class or program so you can continue your Yoga practice.
STUDIOS — If you teach, own, or are affiliated/ connected with a studio that may be interested in participating in this program, please fill out the Scholarship Studio Interest Form on our Partners page.
ALL — Please also reach out to info@prisonyogachicago.org with any questions.
Our Mission
To reduce recidivism & facilitate growth by sharing the practices of Yoga
See our classes in action, and check out our mini documentary. Thanks to our community's constant support, we’ve been able to share our story with CBS and NBC.
PYC in the News
New Merch
Rep our gear and shop a variety of PYC products. 100% of the proceeds go directly to support bringing yoga to more incarcerated students in Chicago and beyond.
Your donation builds our foundation for necessary supplies and operating expenses. PYC is a 501c3 organization, and our work is made possible by donors like you. We appreciate you for staying involved.
“Through yoga I have learned… to breathe in a way that relieves me when I feel stressed. It will help me on the outside.”
— Division 5, 2019
“Yoga has helped me… learn to breathe deep, understand my body, and connect with myself.”
— Division 6, 2019

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